SPM also have strong links with all the major steel trading houses allowing us to access high quality steel from all around the world. As a lot of the commodity grades for construction aren't attractive to the Western European mills at the price levels available from importers, we have to source a lot of this material via trusted steel traders, who in turn, import this material from trusted global mills.
Countries of origin vary, but we source steel from Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, India and Turkey in the main, but use the trader's relationship and buying power to secure quality steel from recognised mills who regularly supply steel to the UK and the EU and fully understand the quality requirements of our region.
SPM enjoy long-standing relationships with all the major steel traders including Duferco, Stemcor, Samsung, Salzgitter and Tata International, to name a few.
SPM will never chase a price at the expense of quality and work closely with traders to deal with only recognised steel mills from these regions. We also look to work within the framework of quotas wherever possible to ensure material is available in the time period the customer wants it and tariff free. This is an important aspect of our philosophy when importing steel on your behalf.